About Me


"Success is not the absence of failure; it's the persistence through failure." -Aisha Tyler

Micaela Ramirez

Growing up as the youngest of eight was something that affected my identity as an individual. I had so many influences and many people watching me grow up that I felt I needed to accomplish something great. It helped that my siblings were all supportive and that I did exceptionally well in school, while also enjoying every part of the experience. 

Unfortunately, the pandemic did make things challenging and suddenly I had the time to reassess what I wanted to do as a career. Originally, I was studying Business Management as that was what I believed was a safe route, but I had never felt completely satisfied with that choice. Finally, I was able to really think of what I wanted to be and found myself leaning towards tech, especially because of an HTML course I took as an elective. My sister introduced me to Merit America and encouraged me to apply, so I did! I submitted my application for their Java Development program and was accepted. My journey began there, and it was an intimidating one, but I persevered and now I am able to say that I completed that program. The change was indeed scary but it was a necessary change as it led me to where I am right now! 

And I guess, by default, to where you are right now! 

All that was just the long way to officially welcome you to my website where you can take a look at what I have going on, be it projects or books. Feel free to email me via the Letter icon above or connect with me via the LinkedIn icon on the Home page.